Watch Live!

CCGW 2015 is now over, so the live stream has ended. You may watch the saved recording of the entire workshop via the embedded YouTube video below.

We’re planning to stream the workshop talks live from Park City on June 28th. Our main stream will be on YouTube, and we’ve embedded it below. Click here to watch and chat live in YouTube!

Keep an eye on Mike’s Twitter Account for updates about the stream time and for any technical issues!

The following is a list with links to the specific time-points of the above video for your convenience!

16:15Opening Remarks
Michael Cook and Chong-U Lim

18:45Composing Video Game Levels with Music Metaphors through Functional Scaffolding
Amy K. Hoover, Julian Togelius, Georgios Yannakakis

39:07Sonancia: Sonification of Procedurally Generated Game Levels
Phil Lopes, Antonios Liapis and Georgios N. Yannakakis

1:08:07AudioNode : Prototypical Affective Modelling in Experience-driven Procedural Music Generation
Elise Plans, David Plans and David Morelli

1:36:30A Different Kind of Physics: Interactive evolution of expressive dancers and choreography
Kate Compton and Michael Mateas

2:06:45BotPrint: Casual Robotic Evolution (Demonstration)
Kate Compton, Dylan Lederle-Ensign, Zhongpeng Lin, Joe Mazeika, Afshin Mobramaein, Johnathan Pagnutti, Huascar Sanchez and Jim Whitehead

4:20:02Automatic Puzzle Level Generation: A General Approach using a Description Language
Ahmed Khalifa and Magda Fayek

4:50:02Discovering Unique Game Variants
Aaron Isaksen, Dan Gopstein, Julian Togelius and Andy Nealen

5:46:53The TekaTekiTech System for Automated Minigame Generation: First Steps
Edward Powley, James Clewett and Simon Colton

6:31:38AI Game Design Patterns
(Invited ‘Re-note’ from the Foundation of Digital Games Conference 2015)
Mike Treanor, Alex Zook, Mirjam P Eladhari, Julian Togelius, Gillian Smith, Michael Cook, Tommy Thompson, Brian Magerko, John Levine, Adam Smith

7:11:00Closing remarks
Michael Cook